Friday, July 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
QueerCampus- Delhi public meeting- June 18, 2011
3.30 PM - 5.30 PM
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Max Muller Bhavan
KG Marg
Connaught Place (Near Barakhamba Road Metro Station)
New Delhi
Come and wish us one happy year of queering the campus!
Ever since our first public meeting on June 12 last year, it has been a mosaic of ideas, fun, heartwarming life stories and most importantly, hope - a hope for the queer community and especially for queer youth out there! And, it’s time that we come together to celebrate this hope with music, movies and gupshup!
Join us as we journey through the maze of relationships with Pink Sheep and discover real, true love with the short film, Late Summer.
Besides this, feel free to share your experiences, interests and hobbies. A poem you wrote, a painting, a quote from some book, or your story of coming out to your friends, family and to yourself!
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Book Reading- Pink Sheep
Author: Mahesh Natarajan
About the book: The eighteen stories in this collection are prize winners in their own way. Each story deals with relationships – love, confusion, contentment, desire, fear, hurt, happiness, bitterness, victory, or loss – in a slightly different context. Natarajan highlights different aspects of gay life, and shows how these men yearn for the same things everybody yearns for – acceptance and a fulfilling life.
Short Film- Late Summer
Director: David Ottenhouse Duration: 25 mins
A photographer remembers that special summer that he spent with his somewhat older cousin, the feelings that were awakened, and the unexpected turn of events behind his "best" photo.
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QueerCampus is a Delhi based independent queer student and youth collective active since 2010. We use the term queer to refer not just to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people, but to any identity or outlook which questions stereotypes. We provide a comfortable space to meet new people, discuss everything and anything – from coming out to breaking-up, the latest queer film to plans of changing the World – or offer a shoulder to cry on and friends to celebrate with! QC organizes events which are free and open to all.
Ever since our first public meeting on June 12 last year, it has been a mosaic of ideas, fun, heartwarming life stories and most importantly, hope - a hope for the queer community and especially for queer youth out there! And, it’s time that we come together to celebrate this hope with music, movies and gupshup!
Join us as we journey through the maze of relationships with Pink Sheep and discover real, true love with the short film, Late Summer.
Besides this, feel free to share your experiences, interests and hobbies. A poem you wrote, a painting, a quote from some book, or your story of coming out to your friends, family and to yourself!
Book Reading- Pink Sheep
Author: Mahesh Natarajan
About the book: The eighteen stories in this collection are prize winners in their own way. Each story deals with relationships – love, confusion, contentment, desire, fear, hurt, happiness, bitterness, victory, or loss – in a slightly different context. Natarajan highlights different aspects of gay life, and shows how these men yearn for the same things everybody yearns for – acceptance and a fulfilling life.
Short Film- Late Summer
Director: David Ottenhouse Duration: 25 mins
A photographer remembers that special summer that he spent with his somewhat older cousin, the feelings that were awakened, and the unexpected turn of events behind his "best" photo.
QueerCampus is a Delhi based independent queer student and youth collective active since 2010. We use the term queer to refer not just to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people, but to any identity or outlook which questions stereotypes. We provide a comfortable space to meet new people, discuss everything and anything – from coming out to breaking-up, the latest queer film to plans of changing the World – or offer a shoulder to cry on and friends to celebrate with! QC organizes events which are free and open to all.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
QueerCampus India (QCI)- Delhi public meeting- June 4, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
2, Hauz Khas village
Huaz Khas
New Delhi
Our regular public meetings are informal support spaces for queer youth. And
We wholeheartedly invite participation from everyone who believes in what we stand for! This is your space to speak your mind, share your experiences with respect to coming out to family, friends, realization of your sexuality, your specific interests or what you expect from a queer youth support group like QCI.
◄Queering Literature►
...Yes! The theme of this month’s first public meeting is Queering
We will do reading from the book 'Our Lives and our words' telling aravani lifestories." This book is a recent launch of yet another brilliant book from the epic series on sexuality by YODA PRESS. This book is written by A. Revathi who is an activist and spokesperson for the rights of the aravani community in India.
One of our aims at the meeting would also be to understand the term 'queer'-
How we relate it to different aspects of our life and the society at large.
Feel free to bring along any relevant material/text on your part- newspaper articles, magazines or a book.
Above is a short note from Gautam Bhan, the General Series Editor of YODAPRESS Sexuality series. The above note is an excerpt from Series Editors foreward note from the book "Our Lives and our words".
The truth is that before I heard the words hijra and aravani, I heard others; chakka, sixer, gaandu. I remember very clearly where, I was ten years old and the sound of a single clap had broken yet another round of afternoon cricket. We all stood gaping at the hands from round of afternoon cricket. No one knew what to say, if anything,. The silence ended as such silences often do. I don't know who laughed first- perhaps it was me. That first nervous giggle let open the floodgates. We laughed, suddenly faced by the limits of our own floodgates. That hijra became just another joke between us boys that we hid further and further behind as the years went by.
But i was lucky. Since then. Famila, Kajal, Vidya, Muskaan, Revathi, Asha Babu and many others came into my life. They were all activists, friends, comrades, counselors, and inspirations. The fact that they were hijras became just information, rather than identity. Most of the time I was able to excercise that greatest of privileges: I forgot that they and I were meant to be 'different'. . . . . .
- Gautam Bhan
YODAKIN is a bookstore that throws open a space dedicated to marketing and promoting exciting work by some cutting-edge independents in books, music and cinema. Alternative and Independent are the two words define this space. Yodakin is a Queer-friendly space and will be hosting this QCI meeting and more in the future.
Soall you gorgeous people, See you this Saturday!!
As we gather and celebrate at this space and explore the realms of Queer Literature.
For any further inquires please reach us at the given contacts.
Phone- 9711256434 and 9999096097
Email ID-
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
QueerCampus India (QCI)- Delhi public meeting- May 7, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
3 pm - 5pm
2, Hauz Khas Village
New Delhi
◄QueerCampus India invites you to our public meeting at Yodakin Bookstore ►
Our regular public meetings are informal support spaces for queer youth. And we wholeheartedly invite participation from everyone who believes in what we stand for! This is your space to speak your mind, share your experiences with respect to coming out to family, friends, realization of your sexuality, your specific interests or what you expect from a queer youth support group like QCI.
What it means to be 'L'/'G'/'B'/'T'/queer? Is it about being yourself rather than sticking to a 'label'? How did you come to terms with your sexuality/gender identity? what is your idea of being 'out'? Join us as we discuss LGBTIQ issues from a queer youth's perspective through a kaleidescope of personal experiences, videos, relevant texts and other media.
We plan to organize a QCI parents' special event soon. So, we'll also talk about specifics of this upcoming event and invite participation for the same. Please feel free to drop in with your ideas!
YODAKIN is a bookstore which is an independent publishing house that focuses on urban studies, sexuality and gender, among other subjects. Yodakin is a Queer-friendly space and will be hosting this QCI meeting and more in the future.
Contact us:
Sambhav, QCI member (9999096097)
The venue can easily be reached by a 10 min walk from the nearest metro stations i.e. Green Park.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
QueerCampus India (QCI)- Delhi public meeting- April 16, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
2PM - 4PM
2, Hauz Khas Village
New Delhi
◄QueerCampus India invites you to join us for our public meeting at Yodakin Bookstore ►
Our regular public meetings are informal support spaces for queer youth. And we wholeheartedly invite participation from everyone who believes in what we stand for! This is your space to speak your mind, share your experiences with respect to coming out to family, friends, realization of your sexuality, your specific interests or what you expect from a queer youth support group like QCI.
At this meeting we'll look forward to discussing coming out in the context of our families. How should one do it? Is there a 'right time'? How to help them understand things? It's a difficult process for you and your family. We'll talk about such questions from the point of view of our own experiences and thoughts. We'll also share and talk about some relevant texts/material on this topic taken from books, magazines, movies etc.
We also invite participation in terms of getting involved with the group, for eg. coordinating our events and managing the groundwork for new ideas that we're coming up with. This aspect will also be discussed at the meet.
YODAKIN is a bookstore which is an independent publishing house that focuses on urban studies, sexuality and gender, among other subjects. Yodakin is a Queer-friendly space and will be hosting this QCI meeting and more in the future.
Contact us:
Sambhav, QCI member (9999096097)
The venue can easily be reached by a 10 min walk from the nearest metro stations i.e. Green Park.
Our regular public meetings are informal support spaces for queer youth. And we wholeheartedly invite participation from everyone who believes in what we stand for! This is your space to speak your mind, share your experiences with respect to coming out to family, friends, realization of your sexuality, your specific interests or what you expect from a queer youth support group like QCI.
At this meeting we'll look forward to discussing coming out in the context of our families. How should one do it? Is there a 'right time'? How to help them understand things? It's a difficult process for you and your family. We'll talk about such questions from the point of view of our own experiences and thoughts. We'll also share and talk about some relevant texts/material on this topic taken from books, magazines, movies etc.
We also invite participation in terms of getting involved with the group, for eg. coordinating our events and managing the groundwork for new ideas that we're coming up with. This aspect will also be discussed at the meet.
YODAKIN is a bookstore which is an independent publishing house that focuses on urban studies, sexuality and gender, among other subjects. Yodakin is a Queer-friendly space and will be hosting this QCI meeting and more in the future.
Contact us:
Sambhav, QCI member (9999096097)
The venue can easily be reached by a 10 min walk from the nearest metro stations i.e. Green Park.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Documentary Screenings- April 9th, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011
A-20 Basement
Lajpat Nagar III
New Delhi
The Naz Foundation's Milan Centre and QueerCampus India invite you to the screening of three documentaries –
Many People, Many Desires (45 mins)
I am Beautiful (20 mins)
O Boy (20 mins)
I am Beautiful and O Boy have been directed by students of Kamla Nehru College and feature some QCI regulars! So come, watch, discuss, and encourage these young film-makers to produce more brilliant work!
This is the fourth screening, in a series of films we will show every 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month at Naz's Milan Centre. The screening will be followed by a group discussion. Email invites will be sent prior to each screening. Entry is free and open to all!
The synopses of these documentaries:
Many People Many Desires
Cutting across class, gender, language and caste, the film tells the stories of gay/bisexual/lesbian persons living in the city of Bangalore. Through them it brings forth the debate on the basic right to one's sexual/gender expression, and it aims to mobilize debate and discussion and generate support from within and outside the sexual minority communities.
Directed by T. Jayashree.
I am Beautiful
In a world where ideals of body, identity and beauty are shot through with gender ideals, this film tries to find important explorations of these ideals in the “queer” community. The film takes from the ideas of members of this community to establish the rainbow of definitions and notions of ‘beauty’; similarities and contrast between all such definitions and yet their respective relevance. Through interviews, the film tries to attempt to break stereotypes, or perhaps in the course reinforce them, about the idea of beauty and acceptance. The film at the same time questions the need to label ‘beauty’ in itself as well as the community. As our protagonists discuss and question the hold that society and popular beliefs have had on their ability to experience and communicate their measuring of the term ‘beauty’, perhaps they will also find viewers hungry for such reflections.
Directed by students of Kamla Nehru College - Kanishka Singh Deo, Ashima Grover, Vibha Singh, Apeksha Verma.
O Boy
In a traditionally patriarchal society where the virginity of women has been discussed and scrutinized to the hilt, our movie delves into a much overlooked sphere of the very same concept in their male counterparts. The entire concept of virginity has been discussed keeping in mind male virginity.
Our film revolves around the mind of one boy who is pondering on what virginity actually is. What it’s expected to mean to him, what his peers believe it to be, it’s relevance and so on. As we see the unnamed boy thinking, and his own understanding of the entire concept of virginity evolves, the movie too unfolds itself, lending the spectator a clear view into his mind.
(Complete synopsis for this documentary is available at QueerCampus India google group)
Directed students of Kamla Nehru College- Ishita Dasgupta, Aanandita Chawla, Mishika singh, Neha Goel, Ishani Dey, Radhika Sirkhall.
How to reach the venue?
Nearest metro stop: Lajpat Nagar on the Violet Line; from here, proceed south down Lala Lajpat Rai Path until you reach the entrance to Lajpat Nagar III A-block on your left; this will be the first left after leaving the metro station behind you. After taking this left, enter A-block and again take the first left. You should pass by the CenturnU Institute of Management and Creative Studies immediately before making this left. Additionally, there will be signs posted to indicate this particular left turn. From there, just follow the signs and the Milan Centre will be on the right-hand side of this alley.
Many People, Many Desires (45 mins)
I am Beautiful (20 mins)
O Boy (20 mins)
I am Beautiful and O Boy have been directed by students of Kamla Nehru College and feature some QCI regulars! So come, watch, discuss, and encourage these young film-makers to produce more brilliant work!
This is the fourth screening, in a series of films we will show every 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month at Naz's Milan Centre. The screening will be followed by a group discussion. Email invites will be sent prior to each screening. Entry is free and open to all!
The synopses of these documentaries:
Many People Many Desires
Cutting across class, gender, language and caste, the film tells the stories of gay/bisexual/lesbian persons living in the city of Bangalore. Through them it brings forth the debate on the basic right to one's sexual/gender expression, and it aims to mobilize debate and discussion and generate support from within and outside the sexual minority communities.
Directed by T. Jayashree.
I am Beautiful
In a world where ideals of body, identity and beauty are shot through with gender ideals, this film tries to find important explorations of these ideals in the “queer” community. The film takes from the ideas of members of this community to establish the rainbow of definitions and notions of ‘beauty’; similarities and contrast between all such definitions and yet their respective relevance. Through interviews, the film tries to attempt to break stereotypes, or perhaps in the course reinforce them, about the idea of beauty and acceptance. The film at the same time questions the need to label ‘beauty’ in itself as well as the community. As our protagonists discuss and question the hold that society and popular beliefs have had on their ability to experience and communicate their measuring of the term ‘beauty’, perhaps they will also find viewers hungry for such reflections.
Directed by students of Kamla Nehru College - Kanishka Singh Deo, Ashima Grover, Vibha Singh, Apeksha Verma.
O Boy
In a traditionally patriarchal society where the virginity of women has been discussed and scrutinized to the hilt, our movie delves into a much overlooked sphere of the very same concept in their male counterparts. The entire concept of virginity has been discussed keeping in mind male virginity.
Our film revolves around the mind of one boy who is pondering on what virginity actually is. What it’s expected to mean to him, what his peers believe it to be, it’s relevance and so on. As we see the unnamed boy thinking, and his own understanding of the entire concept of virginity evolves, the movie too unfolds itself, lending the spectator a clear view into his mind.
(Complete synopsis for this documentary is available at QueerCampus India google group)
Directed students of Kamla Nehru College- Ishita Dasgupta, Aanandita Chawla, Mishika singh, Neha Goel, Ishani Dey, Radhika Sirkhall.
How to reach the venue?
Nearest metro stop: Lajpat Nagar on the Violet Line; from here, proceed south down Lala Lajpat Rai Path until you reach the entrance to Lajpat Nagar III A-block on your left; this will be the first left after leaving the metro station behind you. After taking this left, enter A-block and again take the first left. You should pass by the CenturnU Institute of Management and Creative Studies immediately before making this left. Additionally, there will be signs posted to indicate this particular left turn. From there, just follow the signs and the Milan Centre will be on the right-hand side of this alley.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE:◄Film Screening: "My Brother Nikhil"►March 26, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A-20 Basement
Lajpat Nagar III
New Delhi
Dear All,
We had to change the film being screened this week to 'My Brother Nikhil' due to some technical difficulties. Please note the change and do come for the screening! Maurice will be screen soon, and we hope to see you then as well!
The Naz Foundation's Milan Centre and QueerCampus India invite you to the screening of My Brother… Nikhil.
This is the third screening, in a series of films we will show every 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month at Naz's Milan Centre. The screening will be followed by a group discussion. Email invites will be sent prior to each screening. Entry is free and open to all!
Film Synopsis - Nikhil (Sanjay Suri) is a champion swimmer and local hero in Goa in the early '90s, where the film takes place. He has a loving relationship with his fiercely independent sister, Anamika (Juhi Chawla), and his doting mother (Lillete Dubey). His connection to his hard-driving father (Victor Banerjee) is more problematic. His father pushes Nikhil too hard at his swimming, becoming angry when the young man loses a race, and he also disapproves of Nikhil's friends, among whom is Nigel (Purab Kohli). When Nikhil is told that he has HIV, news spreads quickly throughout the region. His teammates on the swim team and most of his friends abandon him. His parents are publicly humiliated, and even they spurn him. Only Anamika, her husband, Sam (Gautam Kapoor), and Nigel stand by him. He needs all their help when he's arrested and held prisoner in an abandoned sanitarium. Those closest to Nikhil band together, hire a lawyer, and fight for his release. The story is told by Nikhil's loved ones, who address the camera directly, in the style of a documentary. The film is based on a true story.
Sambhav (9999096097), John (011-41724633)
We had to change the film being screened this week to 'My Brother Nikhil' due to some technical difficulties. Please note the change and do come for the screening! Maurice will be screen soon, and we hope to see you then as well!
The Naz Foundation's Milan Centre and QueerCampus India invite you to the screening of My Brother… Nikhil.
This is the third screening, in a series of films we will show every 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month at Naz's Milan Centre. The screening will be followed by a group discussion. Email invites will be sent prior to each screening. Entry is free and open to all!
Film Synopsis - Nikhil (Sanjay Suri) is a champion swimmer and local hero in Goa in the early '90s, where the film takes place. He has a loving relationship with his fiercely independent sister, Anamika (Juhi Chawla), and his doting mother (Lillete Dubey). His connection to his hard-driving father (Victor Banerjee) is more problematic. His father pushes Nikhil too hard at his swimming, becoming angry when the young man loses a race, and he also disapproves of Nikhil's friends, among whom is Nigel (Purab Kohli). When Nikhil is told that he has HIV, news spreads quickly throughout the region. His teammates on the swim team and most of his friends abandon him. His parents are publicly humiliated, and even they spurn him. Only Anamika, her husband, Sam (Gautam Kapoor), and Nigel stand by him. He needs all their help when he's arrested and held prisoner in an abandoned sanitarium. Those closest to Nikhil band together, hire a lawyer, and fight for his release. The story is told by Nikhil's loved ones, who address the camera directly, in the style of a documentary. The film is based on a true story.
Sambhav (9999096097), John (011-41724633)
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